CEB Easymocap MultiCam

11 ratings

Works only on Windows and for Non Commercial use

For commercial use, please send email to

You can download it for free using the code: ckwed2w (i had to put a price because the download is very big. But I appreciate if you can support us 😊 )

Discord server:

Thanks a lot for the guys at

For building this amazing solution. Without it, we wouldn't have this addon.

If you want to support us and get the latest stuff, please consider subscribing at Patreon (

For as low as $1 you can help us and get access to the latest material (addons and etc) we create.

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Latest Version: 1.02

This latest version is a complete rewrite of the addon and the update to easymocap 0.2

The workflow uses the same one as MPP2SOS, making it easier and much faster to generate the mocap data

Major update on this version:

  • Faster workflow to create mocap
  • Doesnt need a custom blender build to run
  • easymocap engine updated to 0.2
  • easier to setup with 3rd party files, just put the login information (tht is not stored) and wait for the addon to setup everything
  • Import of the mocap data integrated (you dont need to use the Mocap Import addon anymore)

Tutorial for version 1.02

Older Version (Free version)

Full workflow tutorial (with chapters, and please ignore the last 4 minutes):

Basic Tutorial:

Fix Calibration Tutorial:

For more videos, visit

This is a Blender build and addon to make easy the process of converting a video from multiple cameras into a 3d motion.

This addon does only the creation of json files, to finish to conversion you will need to use Mocap_import

To use this addon you will have to download OpenPose

If this version do not work, try using an earlier version.

You will also need SMPL model to do the last part, the triangulation.

Download it at

and download this file (SMPLIFY_CODE_V2.ZIP) (

and extract this file (basicModel_neutral_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl)

To do the finger tracking, you must download the SMPLX model.

Go to download and get this file

Open it and extract this file

import on the addon using this option

To export the finger motion you have to choose the options below, available since version 0.16

change log:


  • improvement on the setting of cameras (making it faster to setup)
  • import SMPL/SMPLX button, only available if it needs the model
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CEB Easymocap MultiCam

11 ratings